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Deadly Cycle

Homeless people face other forms of injustice in their daily lives as well. This is seen when they are trying to get jobs and open bank accounts but they are not looked at because of their lack of information. In an article titled “Homelessness and Human Rights” it is stated, “Homelessness is stigmatized and often addressed with criminalization, violence, and aggressive policies that violate, rather than safeguard, the rights of the persons involved” (“Homelessness and Human Rights”, para. 6). This article sheds light on the need for government officials to pass laws that protect the human rights of homeless people. It is not fair that just because someone is living without a home they should be stripped of their basic human rights. Furthermore, it is not fair that there should be a stigma against homeless people which only makes their lives harder. As for getting jobs, it is not fair that homeless people have to deal with the problems of having a lack of information for themselves. This is just another obstacle thrown at homeless people which makes it even harder to escape the vicious and deadly cycle of homelessness.

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Increased Incarceration Rates

Homeless people are in a constant loop of being criminalized and being arrested for trying to get out of their situations. Homeless people are suffering against mass incarceration because of increased laws to get them off the streets. This means that instead of government officials making laws to help homeless people and make their lives easier. They are creating laws that limit where they can sleep at night and make it harder for them to live their lives. This makes it harder for people without a home to live their lives. This is supported in an article produced by Forbes which states, “People experiencing homelessness are up to 11 times more likely to be arrested than those who are housed”(Dholakia, para. 17). This statistic shows the true injustice against homeless people. 

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