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Affordable LIving

Government Interference 

Affordable living is a very important step toward getting homeless people back on their feet. It also makes it so that homeless people do not have to be living in cars, tents, and any other place just to get a roof over their heads. As people advocating for homeless people, we need the help of government officials to vote for changes towards homelessness. These government officials have enough power to create “laws to protect affordable housing or directly [fund] local homeless shelters and housing authorities”(Goñi-Lessan & Cann, para. 5). This is already being done in some cities and if it could be done all across America the positives outcome it would have on homelessness is tremendous.

What Can You Do?

There are many different ways to get involved and help those who need it. The first way is a simple donation, nothing is too small, through donating to the foundation you will help give money to non-profits that support affordable living. If you have physical capabilities you can volunteer your time at local affordable living events where you can help build the house and be on the front lines of creating future homes for those in need.

Image by Jon Tyson

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